Captured Sentiments

Life can be flooded with sentiments, which, at times, are too strong to verbalize. Those emotions are a normal part of life and affections, and are indicative of healthy relationships. That said, at times they can become too intense. Fear not, music and literature can come to your rescue. Often those overwhelming emotions can be assuaged with the right stimulus. You have probably experienced that. You may have, like me, self-prescribed an epic album or favorite book at such times. There is a flip side to that, of course. Ironically, those emotions can be evoked by the same music and literature when encountered by chance in the wild. But I think that is all okay.

Since we are on the subject of literature with evocative sentiments, let me introduce you to Book 2 in the Kingdom of the Falcon series.

Ascent of the Falcon

Ascent of the Falcon

No Thumb Twiddling for Me

What does a writer do while he is awaiting the arrival of a proof copy? Well, this one writes.

Book One in the Boathouse Mouse Series is on the way here for approval. Book Two in the Boathouse Mouse Series is on Shawna's easel being illustrated. Cheers for #BackToTheDrawingBoardArt
Book Three in the Boathouse Mouse Series is about half finished.

In the Falcon Series, Books One through Three are on the market. And Book Four is … intense. No spoilers here, but this book is making the hair on my neck stand up as I write it. It is an odd sensation, for sure. I am restricting my editor in residence, also known as my wife, from reading it until I can complete some parts. The last thing I need is for her to have trouble sleeping.

Actually, that's the second to last thing I need. The last thing I need is for her to cause me to have trouble sleeping.

There will be more posts about this book as it progresses. But I will likely not say much more about it until after the New Year, which is only twelve weeks away! Yikes! June will be upon us before we know it. I had best get back to my writing.