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Kingdom of the Falcon Series

“One of the best books I have had the pleasure to read!” - T.J. (Blood Trail of the Falcon)

“I can’t start your books until I have enough time to read them straight through. I can’t stand to put them down.” - Carla (Kingdom of the Falcon Series)

“… How could you?” - Aaron (Blood Trail of the Falcon)

“I was so mad at you after reading the first page, I closed the book and didn’t look at it again for a month! You killed my favorite character” … “After I finally read Ascent, it’s one of my favorites!” - Shawna (Ascent of the Falcon)

“I finished your books. Each one was better than the last.” - Sue (Kingdom of the Falcon Series)

“I’m in love with William Archer … If you ever meet someone like him in real life, you have to introduce me to him ...” - Maria (Blood Trail of the Falcon)

“What? There are more? I loved Blood Trail of the Falcon!” - Megan (Blood Trail of the Falcon)

“I finished reading Blood Trail of the Falcon at 1:00 this morning. So … thank you for joining the ranks of authors whose books I end up not being able to put down late at night, at least not until I reach “The End.” Looking forward to starting Ascent of the Falcon at bedtime tonight.” - Melanie (Kingdom of the Falcon Series)

“I’m looking forward to the 4th book in the series. Definitely stayed up late reading the other three.” - Kelly (Kingdom of the Falcon Series)

“I read Blood Trail of the Falcon! It was a really fantastic story, and I’m really looking forward to reading your other books as soon as I can get my grubby little hands on them!” - Ryan (Blood Trail of the Falcon)

“… I love the character development in the Falcon series books, especially Sylvia …” - Moriah (Kingdom of the Falcon Series) - This conversation took place when Moriah was around 11 years old. I’ve often wondered if she ever had plans of being a kid.

“Gepetka should not be read in public. Every time I read it, all the feels get to be too much.” - Sharon (Gepetka, Prince of Gypsies)


“Reading TIME ZONE after church. You are a superb storyteller. Wonder precedes amazement and every chapter is more fantastic than the last.” - Gordon (Thank you Gordon! That means a lot coming from a fellow author! - RV)

“The problem with TIME ZONE is RV has convinced me that time travel is real.” - Darlene (TIME ZONE)

“Ahh! You can’t just end there!” - Aaron (TIME ZONE)

“Well, son, I was going to read your latest book out loud to Dad, but he got impatient and has absconded with it and won’t let me take it, so now I have to wait.” - My mom, Darlene Hodge, who is also an author (repeated conversation about each of my books)

Adventures of Boathouse Mouse Series

“I love Boathouse Mouse!” - Random Stranger at a store (Adventures of Boathouse Mouse Series)

“Ohhh! Rrrr Veee! I just love your books! I got them for my grandkids, but they are too nice to let the kids take them home. So I keep them at my house and read them to the kids when they come over!” - Mrs. Unknown-to-Me (Adventures of Boathouse Mouse Series) - This episode took place at a local sporting goods store where I was preoccupied with trying out folding camp chairs. She apparently recognized me from the picture on the back of the book and rushed enthusiastically through the aisle, calling my name. I was unnerved at the time but pleased and even amused afterwards.

“If I didn’t already love Boathouse Mouse, I would now.” - Me (after seeing Shawna’s first batch of finished illustrations for A New Adventure, A New Name)

“I enjoyed reading your book and would like to turn it into a little play with the 7th graders at our school. Cypress showed me this book and it is delightful. I also spoke to a family in Belhaven that love your work! Please give us permission to use the book, A New Adventure, A New Name.” - Lori (A New Adventure, A New Name) - Permission granted.

“My daughter insists that I read Boathouse Mouse to her before bed every single night!” - John (Adventures of Boathouse Mouse Series)

Giants on Troglodyte Mountain

“All of these characters are fictional?” - Irene (Giants on Troglodyte Mountain)

Cinder the Dragon

Hi RV: This is Susan. I just read and really enjoyed your extremely creative book, "Cinder the Dragon"... guess I'm just a kid at heart! Thanks for sending us a copy. Many Blessings!